According to MerChant postoperative evaluation criterion, the operative result was evaluated as excellent in 32 cases, good in 2 cases and average in 1 case, the rate of excellent and good cases was 97.1%. 根据Merchant膝关节功能评分:优32例,良2例。可1例,优良率97.1%。
According to Merchant grade, 14 were evaluated as excellent, 3 as good, 3 as fair and 2 as poor. The rate of excellent and good results was 77.3%. 按照Merchant评分标准对术后功能进行综合评分,优14例,良3例,可3例,差2例,优良率为77.3%。
Be aware of the importance of customer on the development of a brand. More and more merchant start to think about how to attract and even guide customers to increase the look-to-buy rate. 而更多的商家则意识到消费者的簇拥对一个品牌的发展具有至关重要作用,开始思考在竞争中该如何去吸引消费者,引导消费者,从而促成更高的购买率。